Wednesday, July 6, 2011


April 26th
5:10 pm (Rome)

wow it certainly appears as though I have dropped off the face of the earth- I never was very good at this whole daily thing and apologies to my readers for appearing to have died or some other terrible occurrence. I'm going to quick backtrack and read where I left off so as to try and pick up again on my tales of adventure.

...good gracious I left off in the 5th of march well let's get back tracking. So we were in Paris then- wow Paris seems so long ago-

anywho on the 6th we went to Notre Dame with the drawing class. To most of our class this was a poor poor choice. We were told to go and draw some perspective sketches. The only problem was that Bernie (our teacher) never really got a chance to teach us how to draw perspective and Notre Dame is a very intimidating building to be looking at to draw perspective. So we all scattered about and planted ourselves some where and started drawing. I spent quite sometime drawing a statue in a corner with stained glass

and tourists kept looking over my shoulders and taking pictures and such- it was quite strange.

Rachel found me later and we went out with Kyle for a lunch break.

(we were being silly at lunch)

When we got back I wandered behind Notre Dame,

(Malta Tent!)

helped Greg shade trees

and then Listened to a street piano player while I drew a bit of a bridge.

(this bridge to be exact)

I then worked my way back into Notre Dame and finished my first drawing

and did a sketch of the stained glass reflecting on the floor.

On the 7th we went to the Louvre, which was awesome and Bernie lead us around talking about Art- if I am remembering correctly it was here that we got yelled at for giving group tours not within the bounds of paying someone from the museum to do it but whateves- Saw loads of cool stuff and Nate had his pocket knife confiscated- poor Nate having habits and forgetting things lol. They gave him a claims ticket and a frown but he got it back so alls well that ends well. We went back to the Louvre on the 8th and sat around and drew statues-

I was sitting with Matt who nearly screamed at a woman for touching the art- he was muttering up a storm though

(side note: peeps that touch art absolutely make me cringe- It's way cool to touch the stone work of a building- you are touching history and that's awesome- but things hinging on the walls or behind velvet cords - not ok) Anywho- drew a statue at the Louvre

and then wandered Paris a bit, hung out at the Fiap a lot though- it really was a very nice place to hang out- even if the internet only worked in half hour shifts. Oh and in Paris we started having rehearsals for Rachel's one act - “Kissing Scene” I think it's coming along rather nicely.

Then on the 9th we went to the Rodin Museum- which was awesome btw Saw the Thinker- one of the main ones at least, Rodin made a kagillion of them- lol.

Had a fun time trying to find the front door where we were supposed to meet our class and apparently so did Kyle who came panting into the museum about 10 minutes into class saying “so this is the front entrance”- I thought he had just been on the other side of the building but it turns out that he had accidentally gone to the D'Orsay Museum instead of the Rodin- poor Kyle mistaking the buildings. It became a running joke on the trip though, mostly about Kyle being late or just on time for things.

Kyle and I have both watched a lot of Monty Python's Flying Circus and it was in Paris that we were discussing the Ministry of Silly Walks and through out the trip we have been-well walking funny behind peoples backs and giggling at their ignorance to our jokes. It's been great fun.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


April 3rd

you can't drink on the bus-*drinking water on the bus while the driver is gone* what happens if you spill on the

(said on a Geology Day trip...destination Roncal Spain...where we climbed our first mountain!)


April 1st

Train station in San Sebastian- Platforms in order 1 2 3 4 6 statement- This is Spain, there is no 5 or vise versa There is no 5, this is Spain


10:32 am

“stop being cute and get out of my bed!” eavesdropped quote all of that aside apologies for being so behind in my writing. I'm going to use my half hour of internet time and then try to recap a bit kk brb.

11:12am Ok then, so the last thing I really talked about was trying to get to Paris ok then-

Well Greg, Nate and I made it safe to our Hostel. Figured out the metro to do so but it was super close to the station so it worked out well. Got a little nervous after walking for awhile because we thought we should have passed it by then, but no worries. The hostel (Vintage Hostel to be specific) was awesome. There was breakfast and our own bathroom with a tub shower and hot water X) on the 3rd we went on a walking exploration to the Moulin Rouge and Notre Dame...was way fun.

On the 4th we metro'd our way over to the Fiap Hostel which we determined has 'prime location' as it is across the street from :a Hospital, a Police Station, and a Mental Institution- oh and down a few blocks is a Prison...woooo....*sars* So we were the first ones to come and chill in the lobby and group by group we got to hear every-ones travel horror stories.

(weary travelers in the lobby)

Main factor never try to get out of Geneva it's nigh impossible with out spending loads of money. We did have one group call in saying they were kinda trapped in Switzerland and would be arriving late that night- this was all a little stressful. This was also Ally's travel group and she was my assigned roommate for the stay (btw Fiap has 2 person awesome rooms) but they eventually came in and all was well with the world.

(apparently I'm a super creep sometimes...this is Ally having fallen asleep reading in our awesome room)

Also dinner here has been awesome- hot food, lots of variety- awesomes.

So on the 5th we had our walking tour of Paris which was delayed by half and hour as the tour company had forgotten about us and only sent one guide for two groups-

(waiting for the tour guide at San Michael)

(although it worked out ok in the end...we got our adorably cute and quirky tour guide after a short wait)

(she told up all about the space invaders all around Europe...I remembered the one I saw in London and was extra disappointed hadn't gotten a picture...luckily I got this one by the Seine)

(did all the site seeing things)

(Eiffle tower from a distance)

(the Arc de Triomphe)

(a sweet picture of the flag)

Side Note- off to eat lunch and go to class I'll finish up later-


Realized while writing in my journal I had skipped a page when i made this entry so it's a little behind the



To Not be eaten by Lions

(saw this written on a lock on this Bridge in was note worthy enough)

(Picture Acquired courtesy of Nate...this is why I kept him around, to keep track of the important things for me while we

Monday, July 4, 2011


10:15am (Paris)

I am in the LOUVRE!!!! eeeeeee!!

Notes- Fashion Design 1800-1940 the Pepin Press – Prix Magasin
V&A Nineteenth Century Fashion Detail Lucy Johnston

(I actualy got this book for my birthday when I got's super cool)

Fashion since 1900- The Complete Source Book 1250 color illustrations John Peacock- Thames & Hudson


March 2, 2012 (I'm guessing I meant to write 2010 lol)

1:10pm (Switzerland)

Sitting in the Train Station o.O mrrr ok so here is what went down today

-got of a train to Milan at 5:40am went from Milan to Geneva. When we purchased these train reservations we were told that it was not possible to reserve the Geneva to Paris train in Verona so we decided to wing it. This was the first scary section. Second was this: Nate, Greg and I are sharing a room- Greg already had his tickets to Geneva to wing it to Paris when he decided to stay with us instead of Rachel. We tried to get on the same train as him but could not. Fun Fact: Greg's train is later in the day then ours now. So we arrive in Geneva at 12:18 and Greg will be arriving at 16:18. We figured we'd wait here for Greg and get three train reservations to Paris instead of abandoning poor Greg. So we told him yesterday that we'd meet him at his platform in Geneva- which is #6 and currently where I am sitting. Any who we arrive in Geneva find the ticket office and a departure schedule and find a train going out at 17:17 – perfect we think. Talk to the ticket office and they don't have 3 Eurail seats left on that train- we try the 19 something or other as well as the 20 something train- all full...The man behind the counter was quite pleasant with us and looked up if we could get there via Lyon or another station- no luck. The only trains with space were leaving at 13 something so Nate and I could get to Paris but this would severely screw over Greg- who as I am remembering now, meant to jot down the hostel information/map but did not- making me the sole carrier of all the info. So eventually hearing the phrase 'you can't get to Paris today' and over terrified looks we eventually work it out that yes we can get onto the 17:17 train we just need to pay for a ticket instead of a Eurail reservation... This is getting priced out in front of of us and it's about 124 Swiss Francs per ticket. For some crazed reason Nate looks over at me and says “I got this”- I am still in bewilderment at this emergency money business- meaning I don't have to reimburse Nate. I think we discussed me footing for lunch sometime which I think sounds like a horrible trade on Nate's side, but being the poor person I am I'll accept this lol.

(a 2 Swiss Franc coin)